UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION

                                            NET BUREAU

                         NET SYLLABUS SUBJECT: English (Code-19)

Unit 1 Development and development of Bengali language

2. Phonetic and morphological features of ancient, middle and new Indian Aryan languages, the history of the emergence of the Bangla language.

2. Phonological and morphological evolution of ancient, central and modern Bengali language and the regional dialect of Bengali language

2. Phonetics of Bengali language: Classification of vowels and consonants, the composition of letters, phonetics.

2. The metaphor of the Bengali language: peace, alliances, suffixes, divisions, genders, echoes, and epistles

2. Bangla vocabulary and semantics alterations

                            Unit: II Acoustic Bangla Literature

2. Charade

2. Sri Krishnakirtan (Janmakhand, Tambulkhand, Banshekhand, Radhabirah).

2. Vaishnavite verses Vidyapati, Chandidas, Gyanadas, Gavindas, Balaramdas

2. Mangalkavya Vijaygupta Mansamangal (Narkhand), Kavikankan Mukund Chakraborty - Chandimangal (Baniikkhand), Rameshwar Bhattacharya - Shivayan (Cultivation), Bharat Chandra - Annadamangal (9th section)

2. Chaitanya Biography - Vrindavan Das - Chaitanya Bhagavat (Adikhand), Krishnadas Kaviraj (Madhilala)

2. Translation Literature - Maladhar Bose - Srikrishnavijaya, Krittibas - Ramayana (Adikanda, Lankand). Kashiramdas - Mahabharata (Adivasav, Virataprabha, Bhishmavara)

2. Arakan Rajya Sabha Poetry - Daulatkazi - Lerchandrani, Alaol Padmavati

2. Shakta Padabali - Ramprasad Sen, Kamalakanta Bhattacharya

2. Mymensingh Lyricism - Mahua's escape, the turn of bandit Karanam

                                         Unit: 3 poems

2. Ishwara Chandra Gupta (theory, bargain, bathing trip, pats, tapas fish, pineapple, pith-pulley). 2. Madhusudan Dutta - Meghanadhdakya

2. Biharilal- sadh seat.

2. Kamini Roy - (Romance barrier, Seki? Chandrapir awakening, happiness, days are gone)

2. Kazi Nazrul Islam is rebellious today, in the euphoria of creationism, the proletariat, my apologist priest, Sabyasachi).

2. Jeevananda Das (Bidh, Hi Chill, Sindusaras, Hunting, Dancing in the evening, night). 2. Vishnu De- (Ghagharswara, natural poetry, water, water, Baishakh, the future of the monumental entity).

2. Sudhindranath Dutt (Jess, Samvrat, Yatti).

2. Amiya Chakraborty (House, Conscious Sacra, Request to Barababu, Music, Exchange). Samar Sen (Meghdoot, Mahar Desh, lone lover, Urbashi, release)

2. Subhash Mukhepadhaye (Proposal: 1, procession face, flowers do not blossom, go away, stone flowers, black honey)

12. Shakti Chattopadhyay - (In the infinite well, the moon is falling, Anandabhairabi, Abani are home, the key, I can go past a man in the forest of Hemant, but why not go). 2. Kavita Singh (Dedicated to Rajeshwari Nagmani, Love You, Antigayane, Roaring Seventy, Deer Vary)

                                       Unit: IV Designs and Novels

2. Kaliprasna Lion - The design of the Hutam owl

2. Srikanta (1st phase) poisoned by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay.

2. Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay Path Panchali

2. Manik Bandyopadhyay's puppet dance story

2. Tarashankar Bandyopadhyay - Radha.

2. Satinath Bhaduri - Dhuricharitamanas

2. Sharding Bandyopadhyay - On the banks of Tungabhadra

2. Advaita Mallabarman - Titus is the name of a river

2. Goddess of hope - first promise

2. Amiibhushan Majumdar exile

                                          Unit: V Sheets

3.Prabhatkumar Mukhepadhaye - Kurana girl, marriage advertisement

2. Bonflower - Sripati feud, heart-shaped

2. Premendra Mitra Mosha (Granada), on the outskirts of the world

2. Parasuram - Sri Sri Siddheswari Ltd., Ultapuran

2. Narendranath Mitra Thief, Ross.

2. Subtle grass - Fossil, Sundaram

2. Kamalkumar Majumdar Motilal priest, Neem Annapurna

2. Samaresh Bose acknowledgement, mother of martyrs.

2. Jyotirindra Nandi - sea, girgiti

2. Find out - mother, rat

2. Moti Nandi - self-contained, mortuary

12. Santosh Kumar's grass - Dewey, earrings

2. Lila Majumdar - Podipici Burmesebox, Piss Squad

2. Mahashweta Devi Draupadi, Jawaudhan

2. Sunil Gangopadhyay - The story of hot rice or mere ghost, bird

2. Syed Mustafa Siraj Badshah, Gaughan
              Unit: VI Drama & Comedy

2. Madhusudan Dutt - This is what civilization says

2. Mir Musharraf Hassan landlord

2. Girish Chandra Ghees - Jn

2. Dwijendralal Roy - Sahajan

2. Vijay Bhattacharya is not

2. Buddhadev Basu - First Perth

2. Shambhu Mitra - Moon merchant's turn

2. Utpal Dutt Tin Swirl

2. Bad government is the rest of history

2. Mohit Chattopadhyay - The erosion of the throne

    Unit: VII Essays, Comics, Autobiographies and Periodicals.

2. Ramadhan Roy's Concerning Remembrance Concerns: The First Proposal

2. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay launches Manfal, Barbazar, Vidyapati and Jayadev, Miranda and Desdemana, Bangadarshan.

2. Swami Vivekananda oriental and western

2. Harprasad Shastri Bengali youth and Tinkabi, develop new words, Bengali language

2. Ramendasundra Trivedi - Aesthetic theory, happiness or sorrow?, Supernatural - 1st proposal, rule of a rule.

2. Pramath Chowdhury - Bharat Chandra, bookshops, mala at critique, sad language, current language, pornography in literature - rhetoric

Abanindranath Tagore - Rights in Art, Rights in Art, Vision and Creation, Beauty Search (Bageshwari Art Articles)

2. Annadashankar Roy - Life artist Rabindranath, India as a culture, family women problem

2. Buddhadev Bose - Rabindranath and the successor, in remembrance of Ramayana, North Trish, Jivananda Das, Purana Paltan

2. Abu Sayyid Ayyub - Amangalbadeh and Modern Poetry (Modern and Rabindranath), beautiful and real, introduction; Modern Bengali Poetry (Where is the End of the Way)

2. Rasundari Maid's autobiography

  Temporary letter

2. Supervision

2. Vanguard

2. Overseas

2. Green letter

2. Yell

                                         Unit-VIII Bibliography

2. Poetic imagery, fresh, newborn

2. Novel - Outdoor, cute

2. Fiction - Nishithe, Durasha, Wife's Letter, Hamanti, Laboratory

2. Drama - non-stop, free-flowing.

2. Articles - Meghdut (Ancient Literature), Chhotavulana Rite 3 (Laksh literature), Bankimchandra (Modern Literature), Literature (Literature), Information and Truth, Reality, Novelty of Literature, Modern Poetry (On the Way of Literature), Manu, Narrani (Panchatit) Rural nature

2. Travel Literature - Japanese traveler

2. Autobiography - Biography

                                                   Unit- 9


2. The development and development of Bengali rhythms

2. The style and morphology of Bengali rhythms

2. The terminology of Bangla Rhythm - Identity [Group, Art, Dimension, Episode, Prabang, Surface, Chow, Yati, Line, Name, Variation, Match, Rhythm, Name of Various Rhymes]

2. Glossary: ​​Inflammation, warmth, rhythm, irony, revival

2. Illustration: Analogy, metaphor, exaggeration, suspicion, abduction, surely, the Creator, the exaggeration, the undeserved praise, the extraordinary, the collective, the paradox, the eloquence, the sentiment, the poignancy, the disposition.

                          Unit: X Indian and Digestive tract.

2. Rhetoric, ritualism, racism, sound, painting, tradition, irony

2. Bright blue sails: heroic variation, heroic variation, heroic difference, hornlike variation.

2. Aristotle Physics

* This is just a copy of the syllabus offered at the UGC official site. This way it has been arranged for its own benefit. If there is something wrong, it must be in line with the main curriculum.
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